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Multi Tagging Songs

I've been following discussions on quite a few music and tech blogs about adding additional tags to the id3's of your music so that you're not stuck with one genre of music for specific songs in your library. Currently there is only one option for the genre of a song. So, it's either Pop, or Rock or Electronic etc, etc. For example, you can't tag something Rock and Accoustic and Vocals. People mentioned making genre specific playlists or tricking iTunes into adding additional tags by using the comments section in the information area of the id3. They all work if you want to spend the time going through each of your songs or making a ton of very detailed playlists.

Currently there is only one program that allows you to MULTI-TAG your songs, and that's Bossa. With Bossa you can add as many tags as you want to a song, album or artist. The best thing is that Bossa will find tags online that other users are using for that song/artist/album and all you have to do is click on it and you've added it to your library as well. You can also make your own tags by simply typing it in.

The following image is a good example of multi-tagging a song in Bossa. I'm playing the Petter, Bjorn and John song "Young Folks" and I currently only have it tagged as "Indie". By going into the Bossa lab you can see all the other tags that are found online.


In the following image you can see all the tags that I've added to "Young Folks". By adding all these additional Tags or "Genres" I can make very refined or specific playlists and have "Young Folks" pulled into it. Before I added all the additional tags, "Young Folks" would only play if I ask for songs with the tag "Indie". Now it will also play when I list Swedish or whistling or downtempo or Scandinavian or any combination of these.


A song has a different sound or meaning for everyone, so placing it in one category is impossible. Bossa allows you to make the song your own and describe it exactly the way you want to.


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